
What has transpired in the life of Mrs. Onalethata Masaka cannot be anything short of a miracle.Sharing her experience Mrs. Masaka commenced by narrating how she  suffered from the torment and the wrath of the spiritual husband.This all started from a very tender age and became so extreme to a point that the spirit  propelled her into a life filled with so much lust,fornication and other worldly pleasures. All these seemingly frivolous patterns of behavior led to her contracting HIV in 2009 and  her CD4 count was as low as 538. Doctors advised her to enroll for the Anti- retroviral therapy (ARV). 

Amidst all the challenges, she also faced stagnancy in her career and that is what pushed her  to the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries in 2015. Upon arrival, she witnessed people being delivered from the strongholds of evil that were causing all sorts of calamities in their lives, and that is when she came to the true knowledge of Christ Jesus. Mrs. Masaka recites her encounter with Christ  on one particular service; The ‘Rescue’ Sunday, where the Man of God Prophet Cedric conducted a powerful mass prayer filled with prophetic utterances;
“The Lord has decided to rescue you in Jesus Name. Those who live in the realm of God’s Word all things are possible and all diseases are curable. Those of you with HIV, don’t be hopeless, reform and live a life that is pleasing to God. I see you healed in Jesus’ Name,” said the Prophet.

Mrs. Masaka narrates that she could not control her body nor stop it from shaking as the prayer was offered; “there was a battle of forces as I had thoughts of running out of the service yet there was an aggressive power that made sure I was stuck to my chair. From that moment, I knew that healing was my portion.”

Mrs. Masaka left that service with a renewed spirit. She continued to hold the prophetic declarations dear to her heart with certainty of healing. Despite the medical facts and circumstances that surrounded her, she continued to maintain a good confession of faith. After a couple of weeks, with the strong conviction in her heart, she visited the nearest clinic for check- up. Lo and behold! Her results came back negative. She went for a second opinion from the largest diagnosis firm locally where tests were conducted and still the results came back showing no traces of HIV in her blood. As if that was not enough proof, she went  to yet another private clinic and still the results obtained confirmed that she is indeed HIV negative.

What the world considers incurable, Christ Jesus declares it curable!

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