“I could not complete my studies, I had a bad way of dressing; I wore short, tight and revealing clothes, I had anger, communication between I and my family was really bad and I lost my dignity as a woman because I was involved in multiple concurrent relationships; I dated men and women at the same time”.

The sad story of Ms Lillian Lele Gaowaaga started 6 years ago after the disappointment in her love life. She lost the grip of her life when a man who she had been with for years and was supposed to marry her changed his mind. Ms Lillian found solace in the bottle of a poisonous drink; alcohol and soon her life was dominated and controlled by it. She would party all night, go to clubs and didn’t really care about how she behaved or how people perceived her. Alcohol also made her to develop lust. She would change men like blouses not mindful of the consequences of getting involved in multiple concurrent relationships. Soon she found herself entangled by another kind of outrageous behavior; being attracted to other women. Lillian explains that one day she was walking in the mall when she met a particular woman and something strange happened to her when they made eye contact. She developed feelings for her and since then she dated women and found it very hard to break away from this trap. Moreover this addiction had rendered her useless financially because though she was working there was nothing to evidence it.

In 2013, Ms Lillian came to 3G Ministries and received her deliverance but she failed to maintain it as she was not devoted to God; her character was still the same and she maintained the same company as before coming to church. She later gave into temptations, left church and her life continued to deteriorate. On seeing this, Lillian came back to God in 2014, this time with a determined heart that she wants to be obedient to the word of God. She was privileged to get the Living water, prayed in faith believing God to set her free. During one Sunday service as she listened to the testimonies, a woman was testifying about having been delivered from the spirit of having affection for other women. Lillian learnt from the testimony and by the grace of God she managed to break away from this spirit and since that time she had never had feelings for other women. She was also delivered from alcohol and she has been free for 2 years now.
Furthermore, God blessed her with the sum of over P5000 which she miraculously found in her account. For the first time in her life she bought herself a car and this is nothing but the hand of God being evident in Ms Lillian’ life!

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