Mr & Mrs Bethia

Mr and Mrs Bethia got married in 2006 and as all couples could desire, they wished to have children of their own. God blessed them with three boys but Mrs Bethia wished to have a baby girl. In the course of their battle to conceive a baby girl, Mrs Bethia suffered two miscarriages. The first one was in 2013 August when she was only 2 and half months pregnant. A few days after the miscarriage the Man of God gave a prophecy saying, “You bled, what was the cause?As she confirmed the prophecy, the man of God continued to say that  she will have a baby girl and should be named Mary”. Looking at her past loss Mrs Bethia treasured the prophecy and believed that God will meet her at the point of her need.

When she had expected a miracle she went through the process of delay, she had another miscarriage in May 2015 but she maintained a good confession of faith and hoped for the best from God. Apart from the challenge of miscarriages, Mrs Bethia was constantly being harassed by a snake in her dreams. On several occasions, the snake would engage her in fierce battles and would not stop having nightmares that frustrated her desire to have unhindered sleep. In the midst of this ordeal Mrs Bethia and her husband went to different specialists to seek medical attention but all their efforts proved futile as the doctors could not diagnose any problem and therefore could not offer a viable solution. The couple tried everything within their power to have a child but it seemed as if the cry of a baby girl would never be heard in their home.

To an unbeliever, it seemed as if God was not answering the prayers of Mr and Mrs Bethia, but as a couple who were rooted in God’s word they knew that as children of God, they had to go through uncommon challenges and battles that the world go through which will lead them to an uncommon victory. They understood that the message behind their challenges was that they were on the journey to their destined position; there is no testimony without a test. A few months down the timeline Mrs Bethia received her deliverance from the spirit of snake that had been the root cause of her untimely miscarriages. Validating her deliverance, a few days after she had a dream where she saw herself going to the restroom and when she eased herself the snake was released. Within a short while, changes surfaced. Those tormenting nightmares stopped and by September, 2015, Mrs Bethia was confirmed pregnant. Mrs Bethia went on to deliver a bouncing baby girl in August, 2016 and just as the spirit of God had given an instruction she christened the child Mary.

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