
Ms. Khumo Rakoma never knew the joy of being a mother because within just a month into confinement she began to experience a debilitating health condition. One of her breasts began to swell, and eventually developed a sore that defied all known medications, leaving it rotting away by the day. This became too big a morsel for Khumo to swallow as it did not only affect her but her newly born as well; she had to stop breastfeeding the baby thus negatively affecting its health. On taking medical tests the doctors told Ms. Khumo that she has an infection and in fear of the dreadful prognosis they suggested that she undergoes operation to clean the breast.

On hearing of Khumo’s deteriorating health condition her sister invited her to visit the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries, where she had the privilege to have an encounter with Prophet Cedric and pleaded her case to him. The man of God prayed for her and ministered the Living Water to her wound giving her assurance that God would attend to her case. He also instructed Khumo to minister the Living water in prayer before the operation. The following Monday, on the day of the operation, Khumo did exactly as told by the man of God and went to the hospital.

On pre-surgery examination, the doctors who had strongly recommended operation were left astonished by the state of the wound and even came to a conclusion that operation was no longer needed. In utter astonishment, Khumo also examined her wound, only to find out that it had reduced in size and was almost drying up. Within a matter of day the wound had completely dried up.

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