
From a tender age, Ms Emily Sikalesele was suffering from sinuses triggered by a great variety of odors that caused her frequent nasal blockages. The situation was a light burden to carry not until November 2012 where she started experiencing a sharp piercing pain on her head that sent her to the doctors. After a medical diagnosis had been done, the doctors announced that she had a dental cyst. Another sickness on top of the sinus became too cumbersome a burden to bear. She was then given antibiotics which had lactose that she was intolerant to, this made the treatment not to be effective as expected.

As if that was not enough, early 2016 she was diagnosed with an anopheles shock, a recumbent sickness of the sinus. Medically, her situation had proven to be a life threatening allergy which made her extra sensitive to different scents. Ms Emily explains that whenever she sensed an odour, an allergic reaction would cause her histamines to respond. She said that a big lump would seem to form in her air passages causing her not to breathe properly.
As a woman all these medical conditions made her to be unable to express her femininity; she could not plait her hair in the salon as her head had become too sensitive to heat from the dryers. It also caused her swelling in the face, she had lost her appetite for food and was ineffective at work.

As time went by she was diagnosed with an inflammation in her nose that has cropped up due to bacteria and dirt that had invaded her system. The doctors had also told her that there is a cumulative nasal fluid which had to be removed through a sinus wash and a surgery. Such a surgery was performed so as to drain out the water, remove an outstanding growth and a molar that infiltrated its roots into her sinuses. But even after the surgery different issues came up one after the other proving to Ms Emily that no human effort could give an ultimate solution to her condition.

After surgery, she was left with a hole in the gums where the tooth had been removed. Whenever she drank water, it would run out through the nose. What had seemed as a solution had now turned into a door to more sicknesses, a situation Ms Emily could not deal with. Her piled up sicknesses caused her to take different kinds of antibiotics which did not bring a permanent solution to her problem.
‘When I saw death knocking at the door, I knew that it was time to involve God in my situation. I had to attend the one on one service with Prophet Cedric with a strong conviction that my time for healing was near.’’- said Ms Emily. Indeed she made it to the service and was privileged to be prayed for by the man of God. Today, she shares her healing testimony with a bright smile that confirms that she has been healed. A few weeks after prayer, she was able to eat any kind of food and stand all kinds of odors without feeling irritant; she no longer has all afore diagnosed sicknesses and even the doctors gave evidence that her health is restored.

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