
For years, Mrs Tumisang Sibanda and her family were faced with spirit of anti-marriage. She was in a relationship with her then partner for several years but none of them expressed their desires to tie the knot. Moreover, the last marriage they witnessed in their family was their mother’s years ago. Coming to the presence of God brought transformation in every aspect of her life;  she changed and aligned her character to God’s word and her faith was also developed. To her astonishment in the year 2014, her husband proposed marriage and they were united in holy matrimony in that same year. Hardly three months after her wedding, her younger sister who had also been with her partner for years got married in March in 2015.

In 2015, Mrs Sibanda conceived but the pregnancy was not a smooth sail as she faced many challenges throughout the pregnancy. This prompted her to seek medical attention where she was diagnosed with cervical incompetency and sadly when it was time for her to deliver the baby was delivered still born. Consequently Mrs Sibanda was hard hit by depression; she could not sleep and only depended on sleeping pills which also never gave her a permanent solution. The Sibanda household became an unpleasant abode as Mrs Sibanda was always soaked in tears and  even contemplated a divorce. Consequently it became so severe to an extent that at one point she attempted to commit suicide by overdosing the sleeping pills but by the grace of God she was rushed to the hospital where the pills were pumped out of her blood.

Later Mrs Sibanda came to 3G Ministries where she was arranged for prayer line and the spirit of God located her through the servant of God, “I see you surrounded by pills and this is depression. It’s like you want to end your life”. Mrs Sibanda confirmed the prophecy to be true and she was prayed for. She explains that instantly she felt a relief as if a load has been offloaded from her shoulder. That month she conceived again and her pregnancy was a bit smooth until when she was 7 months pregnant and she went for a monthly check up when she was told an emergency caesarian section has to be performed because the baby was not breathing well. Throughout she remained calm as she prayed and ministered the Living Water asking God to protect her and the baby. The operation was done but the baby has to be put in intensive care unit (ICU), according to the doctor she was supposed to be in there for a month. Mrs Sibanda continued in the spirit of prayer ministering her baby with the Living Water and within three days the baby’s heart was certified restored and healthy and they were released from the hospital that very same day.

God also blessed Mr and Mrs Sibanda financially, they managed to build their house and buy themselves two cars. Their sister also has been blessed with employment in Australia; The Sibanda family is now enjoying the benefits of living in the realm of God’s Word.

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