
As many gathered in the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries for the Monday One on one prayer line with Prophet Cedric expecting God to liberate them, so was Ms. Kgalaletso Ketshabile whose health state had been held hostage by a chronic lower back pain for years. The condition had rendered her unable to bend, walk swiftly or do anything on her own.

Holding a plastic bag containing pain alleviating medication, she let out a cry of faith; pleading to the man of God for liberation from her ailment. Flashback to one fateful day in December 2009, Ms. Ketshabile was involved in a car accident from which she sustained lower back pains and was hospitalised for three weeks. When her medical diagnosis came, it revealed that she had lost the normal curvage for the lower backbone which lead to a disc dislocation. Although a further examination failed to locate the disc dislocation, she was arranged for physiotherapy sessions, and given a lumbar corset due to the chronic pains she had.

Upon her release from the hospital, her condition introduced a different level of excruciating pain. For the first six months, she was on a sick leave as she could not walk properly nor perform any house chores. She confesses that she even had to invite a relative to assist her at home and hire a car to transport her around. Consequently, this put a strain in her finances. Moreover, her career was badly affected as the pain rendered her unproductive; as a By- Law officer in one of the Councils, she is required to travel a lot but was unable to do so due to the pain. Hopeless and shuttered she surrendered to the ailment and accepted it as a part of her life.

In the year 2014, she started fellowshipping in the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries. As she came in the presence of God, her faith grew and she stared realizing that there was a way out for her. Gradually, the chronic pains were alleviated and eventually she discarded the lumbar corset. She reveals that for her total liberation to come to pass it was a strange occurrence; out of the blue, a wave of excruciating pain radiated from her shoulder down to her lower back accompanied by fatigue. She confesses that this is what made her to register for the prayer line, believing God to permanently heal her.

“After I pleaded to the man of God, I received prayer and was instantly healed. The following day, I was surprised by the energy I had, I even did all of my laundry!” said an excited Ms. Ketshabile. For someone who had to be tended to, she expressed immense gratitude to God for liberating her from her infirmity. Demonstrating to the congregation of her healing, she bend all sides and jumped up and down exuberantly all to the glory of God.


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