“I was constantly in tears, depressed with no sense of belonging”, recalled Ms. Ofentse Sekgwa. For the young lady, what she journeyed through in her life was unparalleled to her few years under the sun. Attributing the genesis of her troubles to an occurrence dating to her yester-years, she recalled that at the age of eight, she started experiencing a strange sensation in her private area. She later found out that crossing her legs tightly gave her gratification from this sensation.

From a once off experience, this progressed to a habit until it was a full blown addiction; masturbation. The spirit of masturbation dominated her life so much that she would lock herself indoors in order to satisfy her addiction. She even recalled a time when the urge was so overwhelming, causing her to masturbate for three consecutive days. The more she fed the addiction, the stronger it grew. It was under the same bondage that she would ransack pornographic sites on the internet in search of satisfaction.  Consequently, this gave birth to the spirit of lust; she found herself involved in multiple relationships at a go.

As all this was happening, she was journeying through her life as a student. Contrary to the expectation, her life was dominated by her attention to her outward appearance as opposed to focusing on her academic performance. Ms. Ofentse attested to the church that when she got to her tertiary level of education, she got involved in a relationship that caused her to remove herself from all her other relationships.  However, the relationship was short-lived. This alone was enough to cause a tornado of depression, devastation, misery and hopelessness to come rummaging through her life.

She attested to the church that she was constantly in tears because she took the end of her relationship as a sign that no one loves her. She resorted to self-pity accompanied by bouts of crying and absolute resignation to an unfriendly fate. In her mind, everyone was better than her. Because of the apparent rejection she experienced, she had no one with whom she could share her problems. In turn, this severed her relationship with her parents, she started being a disrespectful and disobedient child. Rejected and disheartened, Ms. Ofentse found solace in cosmetic makeup; attaining a beauty on the outside that was seemingly absent on the inside. It came as no surprise that her attempts to find peace proved futile. In her worries, she harbored suicidal thoughts and expressed them by overdosing on medication and ending up unconscious.

It was due to the heat of her life’s challenges that she was invited and found her way to the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries. During one of the Sunday Service as the Prophet Cedric was in the midst of the congregants, he spotted Ms. Ofentse and gave her these words – “I see you flooded with thoughts and this is depression.” After confirming the word of prophesy to be true, she then received prayer and was liberated from her bondage.

After receiving deliverance, a radiant and beaming Ms. Ofentse testifies about how God has completely set her free from the chains of masturbation and the yoke of depression. She no longer has an urge to masturbate and the spirit of lust is a thing of the past. Moreover, she is no longer prone to episodes of depression and relates well with her people. More importantly, she has discovered her destiny in Jesus Christ. As a result of this, she is living a life with a purpose and is optimistic about her future. Advising her peers, she said, “If you find it insignificant to find your purpose in God, you will be subject to satan. It is only God who has the solution.”

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