
From the age of five years, Tumo Dube was a very bright and promising child who showed great potential in his academics. He was very attentive, willing to learn and was also keen on doing every assignment given to him, both at home and at school. As a result his grades were also outstanding as he perpetually made upper spread of the class list, getting A’s.

Having started off well, Tumo’s parents expected a lot from him but to their demise, the child’s performance began to deteriorate in the year 2013. It all began when his mother who was a teacher at his school was transferred to another school. Tumo began to misuse the so called ‘freedom’ that he believed this transfer granted him; he began moving around with friends who added no value at all to his academics. He succumbed to negative peer pressure and resolved to being a thorn in his teacher’s flesh; he stopped listening in class and even doing his assignments. As a result his marks started deteriorating; from grade A’s, Tumo began to get grade C’s.

Concerned about her son’s performance, his mother began coming to the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries with him. Being in the presence of God, he began listening to the messages that the man of God gave to the PPS (Prophet Parents Students). With time, he began to align his character in accordance to God’s word and as a result his marks gradually improved.  In the year 2016, he was privileged to be a part of PPS. As per the message of Prophet Cedric to the PPS students, Tumo married his books and made sure to do away with every bad habit that he had been accustomed to. As a result he began to perform exceptionally well. For His Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE), he obtained a first class, grade A consisting of an A, five B’s and a C all to the glory of God.

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