
Today many Christians are struggling to distinguish between the true Gospel of Christ and the gospel of man. There are many doctrines being preached and therefore causing confusion in Christianity; many do not know which Gospel to listen to; which story to believe. We are in a world of confusion, where the truth is considered false and vice versa, a world where light is considered darkness and darkness for light. The Bible says ”You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free (John 8:32) NIV From this scripture we understand that the truth (the gospel of Christ) sets free so therefore when this gospel is introduced liberty is as sure as the rising of the sun.

When the Pharisees heard that Jesus Christ performed the miracle on the Sabbath they questioned His gospel and calling.  Some of them said that Jesus is not from God but others questioned how a “sinner” could do such marvelous work (John 9:1-19) NIV. The Pharisees were teachers of the law and Jesus as well was a teacher, but they wanted their gospel to be believed and that of Jesus to be condemned. This war still stands today; in a world where every preacher believes that the gospel they preach is the only one genuine and the rest false, it is always a struggle to distinguish between the true gospel and the gospel of man. However we must understand that a true servant of God cannot be judged by the exterior (material) they can be seen through their hearts and their works.

The best and very effective way to witness for Christ through the gospel is by word and deed. If we merely consider the outside when looking for servants of God we are bound to misjudge. Those who preach the true gospel brings about liberty because God accompanies their words with works. If you receive the gospel but remain in bondage then the gospel you received is questionable because God’s word is food to the hungry, water to the thirsty good health to the sick and liberty to those in bondage and salvation to the lost. Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty (John 6:35) NIV. The evidence that you have received the gospel of Christ is liberty from everything that puts you in bondage.

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