Right from her earlier schooling years, Laticia Justin testifies that she was doing quite well in her studies as she would often get overall grade of A’s without fail. Things took a dramatic turn when she got to standard two and joined a clique of older students who were known as bullies in the school. In no time at all, she adopted the behavior of such students thus her school marks started dropping as her performance reports revealed B’s and C’s in some of her subjects.

This trend continued until a time when she did her standard six. Her mother who was coming to the church by then would often minister her daughter with the Living Water. After the touch of God through the Living Water, Leticia’s marks started to improve and she would now score A’s in some subjects. She came to the church when she started her standard seven and was immediately registered for the PPS initiative. As she continued coming for the services and student meetings with Prophet Cedric, she was fully convicted by the messages by the man of God and let go of all of her wayward habits.

She testifies that when she started her standard seven, she enrolled for the PPS initiative in the church. Laticia attests that the messages of the Man of God preached during the PPS meetings prompted her to change her ways and become a good child. Her driving engine was one particular PPS message; Genuine Willingness plus God’s Ability Equals Excellence. She attests that the examination approached and she would usually minister the Living Water believing God will do it for her. As the exam season approached, she ministered herself with the Living Water believing God to intervene and see her through her academics. When the final results were released, she found out that she emerged victorious with an overall grade A with full A’s in all subjects comprising two B’s in Mathematics and Agriculture all for the glory of God!

1 Comment

  • Keletso Sigwele
    Posted January 27, 2017 3:43 pm 0Likes

    These testimonies truly motivate me that I can do anything through Christ. Thank you, the grace of God is sufficient for me.

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