For 6 years, Mr. Wazha Kgalemang was hooked to marijuana and cigarette smoking. Every day he consumed at least 20 sticks of cigarettes coupled with10 joints of marijuana. Soon he was drowning in addiction, if he goes for some time without taking this self-destructing junks, he would experience withdrawal symptoms. He would often times meet up with friends of like mind who also shared in the same destructive lifestyle and his earnings suffered a major blow as they went down the drains. When he began to run out of money due to his bad habits he decided to sell his assets in order to feed his addiction.

The problem had tainted his image at work, as he had become to be known as the one with wayward behavior. He became unproductive and due to frustration and embarrassment, furthermore he would howl insults at everyone for no apparent reasons. The man from Nkange had tried on several occasions to stop this habit but the more he tried to stop the more he smoked. As the drinking malaise continued, his life witnessed so many sad moments and he had lost his dignity.

In January 2017, he visited 3G Ministries and he listened to the teachings of the man of God. These encouraged him and he registered himself for prayer line believing God to deliver him from the yoke of this nasty addiction. The servant of God prayed for him and since then the urge is completely gone. He has not smoked a cigarrete stick or took any marijuana since his deliverance, moreover his character is also changed, he relates well with his colleagues and there is now peace within him.

Thanking God, he advised people to give their lives to Christ

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