“What happened to him? Will he be fine? He reeks of paraffin…” they cried as they found Thabang lying on the ground, in a comatose state, with just a thin line between him and his last breath. Having solicited all kinds of aid known under the sun, the young lad was tired of it all; the alcohol, the dagga addiction, the stagnancy and countless disappointments he had contended with over the years, he just couldn’t take it anymore! Pondering on it for days, he finally came to a conclusion that suicide was the quickest exit from all of his misery.

After performing badly in his form five (BGCSE) in 2007, Thabang found himself entangled with the wrong crowds, hence being swiftly relegated to the gloomy side of life; one filled with lust, immorality and substance abuse. Unsatisfied with the direction that his life was taking, the young man tried to drown his sorrows in alcohol and keep afloat in the cloud of the smoke from toxic substances but this only led to destruction; a fully blown scourge of addiction. Cigarettes, marijuana and alcohol made the lion’s share of Thabang’s daily intake regime; he would smoke and drink much more than he would eat normal food. Whenever he was intoxicated, an unruly animal in him would be unleashed; he would insult and beat up every moving object near him. At one point, his life entered a dramatic dimension as he was rushed to a national psychiatric hospital. This was after beating a countless number of people to a pulp while under the influence; a thing that still remains a mystery to him. This bad habit had cost Thabang his employment as well as good relations with people; he had become a worthless outcast. He had undergone all kinds of counselling but no amount of therapy could solve his situation. It had become apparent that he needed divine intervention.

Unaware of the hope found in Christ, Thabang made a hasty decision to end his life, believing that it was the only way out. Taking a gallon of paraffin, he had hoped to meet his end but God could not allow such! Fortunately, he was found just in time by his people, who then rushed him to hospital where he was immediately revived. Therapy and suicide having failed, Thabang was out of options; he had come to his wit’s end and was completely hopeless. Thank God! His grandmother had been to 3G Ministries and upon seeing her grandson’s state, she invited him to the church in January 2016, knowing that his case would not escape the anointing of God.

On arrival, Thabang’s hope was immediately renewed, and as he kept coming to the church the Spirit of God located him. Under the check and conduct of the Holy Spirit, Prophet Cedric was led to reveal and redeem Thabang from his bad character and conduct. The man of God also took it upon himself to sponsor him towards getting a driver’s license. Having found a new lease of life, Thabang gives thanks to God Almighty for the radical change he has witnessed in his life.

“Just after the touch, the urge to smoke and drink is gone, all those habits are now history. I have let go of all bad friend and my character has also changed; I have found a new life in Christ. I also thank God because through the help of his servant I was able to get a driver’s license; one thing that had been impossible for so many years” he concluded.

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