Throughout her academic journey, Kesaobaka was performing well until she started mixing with wrong friends. Together they would disrupt the class by making noise and engaging in talks that were not beneficial to their academics. As young as they were, they would talk about boyfriends and all sorts of immoral topics that were not fit for children their age. She started diverting her time and attention to binge-watching television and playing games up to midnight. Due to misconduct, her academic performance took a nose dive; from grade A’s she dropped to a grade C in standard 6.

When her parents invited her to 3G Ministries in 2016, she was doing her final level for primary school, standard 7. From the church, Kesaobaka received the life transforming messages by the servant of God Prophet Cedric. She attests that it was these anointed words that propelled her to amend her ways. Immediately, she aligned her character to God’s word. She also took heed to the message that the man of God gave to the PPS students during one of their meetings, that in order for them to succeed in their studies they should marry their books. Kesaobaka cut all the bad friends and started concentrating more on her academics and God. When she wrote her PSLE examinations she prayed and ministered the Living Water believing God for success. Indeed, God did it for her! She obtained an overall grade A all to the glory of God.

“Students marry your books and work on your character because it is the maintainer of that which you have received from God,” advised the joyful Kesaobaka.

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