For the past three years, young Angu Mandizha suffered from urinary incontinence; a condition where her urine would uncontrollably leak and often cause her embarrassment and a foul smell. As a result of this, much of her daily life revolved around avoiding interactions that would bring her condition to light.

The awkwardness of this situation arose from the fact that she only encountered this challenge during the day; which caused her to be spectacle. At night when she had less control over her bowels, all would fall back into place. As a result of this, she was preferred to be isolated from everyone in the fear of what her fellow classmates were saying behind her back as she carried along a stringent smell of urine. In many occasions, she would arrive home with stains of urine on her school uniform, much to the horror of her mother who lived in constant worry of the stigma attached to her daughter’s condition. Although they tried it all; controlled water intake, frequent trips to the bathroom, the condition remained consistent. In frustration, she would reprimand her daughter and urge her to take frequent baths and keep clean undergarment but it seemed like the pungent smell lingered.

After they had tried it all, one person’s opinion remained unexplored; the medical doctors. However, the maternal instincts kicked in and she feared that the doctors might recommend a surgical procedure or insert a urinary catheter. So, the duo continued in prayer and eventually attended the 3G Ministries prayer-line service on the 23rd of January 2017. When Prophet Cedric approached them, the mother let out a faith-filled plea, bringing the condition of her daughter to the man of God. After prayer, Angu and her mother stood before the congregation to return the glory to God for her putting a stop to her urinary leakage. The young girl is totally free and no longer suffers from the embarrassing condition.

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