For 6 years, Ms Fichani a National Accounting Diploma holder had been jobless and throughout this period, her life was a crestfallen tale to a point that even putting bread on the table was difficult as she had to care for her family after losing both of her parents, uncles and aunts to the sting of death.

She narrates that in the year 2007, after completing her studies in Accounting; she received a job offer which was on temporary basis, her temporary employment contract was frequently extended to 6/7 months of which in total, summed to three years. With the believe that she would be hired on permanent basis in the same company she was working for, she saw it fit for her to further her studies and studied for the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) of which she believed that could get a job anywhere but this proved futile instead she found herself jobless as her contract elapsed.

Seeing herself redundant, in attempt to procure a job, she applied for a job which required one to at least have done a certificate course a qualification lower that what she had. She also went to a point of visiting her sister in the United States of America for a period of 11 months her sole goal was to look for a job, but all this also proved futile. She made her way back to Botswana with zilch! Greatly disappointed and engulfed with frustration and with a baby on the way, all these events unfolded in the year 2015. Ms Fichani’s life was difficult and she depended on her sister to help for survival and taking her care for her child. In many instances, one meal in a day is all they could afford.

Upon her return to Botswana and having made an introspection about her life, Ms Fachani ruminated that there is a God to believe in, she took a heart decision to cast all her cares upon Him. By so doing she then made her way to the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries in January 2017. She was privileged to be amongst those who were registered for the prayerline which was held on the 15th of January 2017. As the Servant of God ministered in the prayerline section, she received her deliverance and the Servant of God Prophet Cedric revealed to her that she has been tormented by the spirit of death, which she confirmed to be true because in her family, there has been sudden deaths since the year 1998. In addition, when she gave birth to her daughter who is now 18 months, through operation and she lost her breath but survived by sheer grace.

After her deliverance, Ms Diteko Fichani’s doors began to open she managed to get a job as a transport officer, a designation that she never applied for but was called by grace to the job. With a handsome salary, she is now in a better position to cater for the needs of her family, this can only be the works of the Almighty.

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