I remember my days back in junior secondary school, an era that saw me being initiated into the lifestyle of being a ‘tomboy’. I hung around a group of rowdy young boys who were known to be rebellious within the school circles. I was the only girl within this troop and so, I fancied them so much that I started acquiring masculine clothing just so I could fit in better. With each day, I drew closer in looks and character to those of a guy. Soon enough, my dreams caught up to this frenzy and what sparked my keen interest were the lucid images of myself; being involved in both same gender sexual relations and as well as those of the opposite gender. This confused me a lot but a light bulb moments seethed in when I began to realise that I fancy the company of girls. That is, I found myself falling deep into a pool of feelings for females.

As the clarion dreams intensified, I would often see myself with male private parts and this gave birth to the spirit of masturbation in my life. Though attracting a moment of pleasure through this heinous act, I lived through a heavy sentencing of low self-esteem and absolutely no confidence. That was until a dear friend invited me to accompany her to the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries in 2013. My appearance in the church came at just the right time for I found the man of God Prophet, Cedric teaching on ‘Character’- a life transforming message. I could no longer turn a deaf ear but I assessed myself, measured and itemized all of my bad habits; purposefully deciding to partner with the man of God by revamping and restoring my life based on the principle of character.

My first step was to stop patronizing the spirit of masturbation; I decisively refused to satisfy myself! Although, the scourge continued in my dreams, I held onto the word of God’s Prophet, blatantly refusing to manifest the images of my dreams into reality. This groomed a tenacious spirit for I boldly stood for what I now believed in; though not seeing the results yet, I believed God for my total deliverance. Fast forwarding my life in the church to 2016 December, once again God did it for me through a word from His servant, who declared, “Your name shall change in 2017; your people may have known a certain name of yours, but you will change your name to Grace and your people shall witness it.”

My loudest agreement was drawn from my inner man and for the first time in a very long time, I no longer felt trapped in a lifestyle of wearing masculine clothes. I traded them in for my natural look; a lady like appearance – just the way it has always supposed to be. No more masturbation, no more boyish inclinations and one more step towards my total deliverance. In early February 2017, Prophet Cedric approached me with sharp questions, “When did this problem start? The issue of opposite gender. If you are not delivered, I see you resorting to masturbation.” Through a powerful prayer, my deliverance came about and today, I am very glad to share my testimony with the world; clad in feminine clothes and no longer enslaved to the evil claws of masturbation and lust! For those trapped in a lifestyle imaging my past, let it be known to you that in God, there is change of character, transformation of lives and total deliverance for those imprisoned by evil spirits!

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