Unscrupulous association was the genesis of her downfall in academic performance. From her early primary school years she would pass with straight A’s and was the talk of the school due to her good performance. However things changed when Lorato Modisadife got to standard 5; she started failing dismally. She and her friends would sit at the back of the classroom where they would not concentrate during the lessons but chat among themselves. Education and good conduct mattered not to them and this made the once esteemed student to become mediocre. She narrowly escaped failure during her Primary School Leaving Examinations but still, this did not make her change her attitude. She proceeded to Junior school and her character worsened, during this time she was introduced to social media and dating which took all her time because they were all she could think of. Due to all these depraved endeavours, her academics were left in an irredeemable state. She was further dragged down to the pit of failure throughout her Junior school days; obtaining doleful results as low as grade C’s, D’s and even E’s.

Concerned with the pitiable state of her academics, her elder sister invited her to 3G Ministries when she was doing Form 3 in 2016 and she was privileged to join PPS programme. Triggered by the character-building messages of the servant of God, she decided to divorce everything that was not adding value to her life; social media, dating, hanging around malls and constant chitchat during lessons as they proved to be an enemy to her academics. In obedience, she executed all the advices of Prophet Cedric. She would wake up every night and study very hard. Approaching the final Junior Certificate Examination, the Living water and prayer were her only friends. ”Lord, give me the grace to remember all that I have been taught at school and accompany me as I go and write my final examination. Above all, let your will be done in my academics and in my life in Jesus name”, this was the short prayer she would make every time before entering the examination room. The Lord who never fails did exactly that, from the grade C she was limited to obtaining as an overall grade, to the glory of God, she managed to scoop an overall grade B; consisting of B’s and nothing below a credit pass. Christ in His infinite mercies re-polished the diamond in Lorato and to His Glory; it is shining ever so brightly.

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