For the past 10 years, Ms Constance Mudongo has been suffering from constipation; she would spend up to 4 days without the call of nature and as a result she suffered discomfort in the hands of this ailment. Often times she would experience bloating coupled with excruciating pains in her stomach. Whenever the pain struck she would have to immediately press on to her abdomen in order to try subdue it but still it would persist. This culminated to a pain slightly below her diaphragm, of which was believed to be on the liver.

Constance tried it all in her power to solve her situation, she even tabled the matter with both medical and native doctors believing that the medicines they prescribed would induce her bowel movement but opposite was the case; the constipation intensified. “At one point I thought that this constipation and stomach bloating was caused by the food that I regularly ate, therefore I resorted to eating food rich in fibre nonetheless they were of no use.”- She added.

Year after year, the problem worsened making it quite apparent that Ms Mudongo was in need of divine intervention. By the grace of God, on the 8th of January 2017, during one of the 3G Ministries services, God Almighty located her through His able Servant, Prophet Cedric. The man of God gave her a prophecy which exposed the spirit of constipation that had been tormenting her for many years. Moreover it was revealed that one of her relatives passed on because of liver problems and that the same fate was coming her way if she is not delivered. The servant of God immediately prayed for her and set her free in Jesus’ name.

Confirming the prophecy as well as thanking God for her deliverance, Ms Mudongo shared that her mother had died due to liver problems but she is very grateful to God because she will not have to contend with that problem anymore. “After receiving prayer from the Man of God, Prophet Cedric, constipation is now a thing of the past; stomach and liver pains are no more, thank you Jesus!- She said in conclusion.

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