“From Monday to Sunday I had to be seen in the bars drinking alcohol. I drank alcohol as if it was water; it was like my life depended on it. There are times when I went to work drunk and I had to deal with the painful hangovers all day. I found it to be a normal lifestyle”

Sent to pursue her secondary education in a boarding school, Ms. Lindy Tirelo got side tracked from her ultimate goal. She developed the addictive habit of binge drinking. She became unrestrictedly free and enjoyed unlimited freedom compared to the times when he had to hide from her parents in order to satisfy her urge for alcohol. She consumed alcohol every day and her addiction took a terrible toll on her finances as she would sell her personal effects just to satiate her appetite for alcohol. As an act of parental love, her parents would send money her way, thinking that they would be helping a deserving daughter. Little did they know that their money would be squandered on her addiction rather than school necessities.

As far as Ms. Lindy Tirelo is concerned, there was no going back on her habits, more so she worked high paying jobs and could afford anything she wanted. For twenty years, Ms. Tirelo lived with her addiction and alcohol became the chief contributor to the misery she went through in life. Whenever she was drunk she would do all sorts of weird things. There was a very sorry occasion on which she got drunk then she drove her car around until she got lost and could not remember where she stays. On many occasions she would find herself surrounded by the police officers trying to explain where she was intending to go. Because of her untoward behavior, she was humiliated by family members who found it hard to come to terms with the shame she was bringing to their family. Everyone one knew her as a drunkard and often labelled her after her unpleasant behavior. Above all, her life was in extreme tatters as excess alcohol took their toll on her; just after 3 months of tying a knot, her marriage was washed away by alcohol and lost more than three jobs. “I was always caught by the police officers because of drinking and driving. Nonetheless, this did not mean anything to me. To make things worse, when I was drunk I would get lost and surprisingly I would still find myself before the police officers. I was fined on several occasions but that didn’t a ring a bell either’ she said.

Ms. Lindy Tirelo’s family could not fold their arms while desires of the world continued to grow like weeds in her life. The best thing they did was to invite her to 3G Ministries hoping that she would get her deliverance- knowing that stopping those habits were beyond human efforts. Ms. Lindy Tirelo came to 3G Ministries, where she received powerful teachings from Prophet Cedric and they resonated deeply in her heart as they made her what she is today. As she was in her journey with God, she was privileged to be on the prayer-line where she boldly wrote ‘deliverance from Alcohol addiction’. As the man of God was praying for people, he approached Ms. Lindy and these were his words ‘do you drink alcohol, don’t worry you are free” Prophet Cedric prayed for her and she was delivered of those bad habits. Her deliverance was immediate and almost effortless- a proof of God’s omnipotence. Describing the experience, Ms. Lindy said she felt an electric force take over her body as the man of God prayed for her and that marked an end to her quandary. It’s been almost a year without alcohol consumption. Sealing her testimony, Ms. Lindy told congregants how her life changed for the best after her deliverance.

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