Growing up Theo Keseontse was a well behaved and brilliant child who would incessantly score grade A’s and B’s. Unlike the youngsters of today he was a stout learner, not conformed to the worldly pleasures.

The time ahead of him proved to be hard and challenging. When he got to senior school he couldn’t resist the temptations. From a once focused boy he suddenly developed an interest in secular music. With eagerness he fed the urge and interest by writing lyrics. The time that he should have used to study was now used for an unproductive habit that led to a substantial decline in his academics, from the B he got in JCE, he started getting D’s and E’s. He would hardly score a credit in any of his subjects hence never surpassing the 37 points mark.

In 2016 he was privileged to enroll in the PPS initiative in which he received character building messages from the Servant of God Prophet Cedric and without doubt the messages reached the core of his heart and propelled him to change for the better. “I still recall in one of the meetings we had with Prophet Cedric he advised us not to conform to the pleasures of the world stating that it is of no good for a man to gain the world and yet forfeit his own destiny”, said Theo. Since then he transformed his character and obeyed the words of the servant of God. He abandoned all the pleasures of the world and put all his energy on his studies.

During his BGCSE he prayed in faith using the Living water and the living sticker asking God to be with him throughout the exams. When the results came out by the grace of God he had scored 40 points something that was just a dream in the past.

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