“Instead of me to ask you how you are, my question to you is where you are. You feel that you are sick but you cannot tell what your sickness is. You are void, empty and not yourself, sometimes when you are walking you look for yourself. I am seeing an empty body without a soul” and those were the prophetic words given to Mr Tafadzwa Musanjeya by the servant of the Lord Prophet Cedric.

From a tender age, Mr Musanjeya’s life was a gloomy anecdote characterized by a series of sicknesses and in pursuit of a remedy, his mother consulted different witch doctors. She was always given concoctions of all sorts but alas! The ‘solution’ to her son’s ill-health was always short-lived. Mr Musanjeya later wedded in his prime years but his life was not any better, his family was abject poverty stricken and living on hand-outs was a norm. The couple then decided to part ways and return to their parental homes for survival.

Mr. Musanjeya explained that his life became a prison of torment as he always felt void like there was a hollow vacuum within him. Snakes and spiritual wives were the usual characters in his dreams and this spiral of evil spirits made him very forgetful and often confused, moreover it only made him question his sanity. All these evil attacks stole the peace in his marriage and though they were not living together, whenever the couple met, instead being happy to see each other; arguments and misunderstandings would take precedence. Communication between the duo was a struggle as Mr Musanjeya was immensely forgetful; whenever he conversed with his wife, he would immediately forget what they were discussing and misapprehensions would follow.

After receiving their prophecy, the couple was prayed for by the servant of God Prophet Cedric; unpleasant dreams of snakes and spiritual wives are now a history in Mr Musanjeya’s life and he now feels re-born and content. Mrs Musanjeya has been blessed with a career breakthrough that moved her from being an assistant pre-school teacher earning P900 per month; she is now a Pre-school teacher and with a huge salary increment of more than four times above what she was previously earning. The couple expounded that there has been a major change in their lives, the affection is restored and they are now financially able to provide for their family and this can only be the works of God Almighty.

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