Up, down, up again, a little stroll, down again! A helpless, heavily laden Mrs Thipe did not know what to do in order to overcome the discomfort and tightness in her belly. From the very first trimester of pregnancy she had contended with many illnesses but this was by far the worst. It was quite amazing how what was supposed to be a ‘bundle of joy’ growing in her turned to be quite the opposite. Pregnancy became hell for her as she could hardly sit, stand or even lay down for long; nothing she did worked! At one point she had to quit going to school because with the condition at hand, the long hours she was expected to put in were unbearable. The scans she had done during her pre-natal checkups did not really show much and as such Mrs Thipe thought it fit to table the matter with numerous physiotherapists but no amount of therapy could bring solution; the more they massaged the tighter her belly got.

At just a knock to full term, the doctors informed Mrs Thipe that the fetus was in breech presentation and that normal delivery would be as good as building castles in the air- totally impossible! They had instructed her to go home and wait for her due day where she would undergo surgery but knowing the God of Prophet Cedric, she made her way to 3G Ministries. On the 21st of November 2016 during the Prayer Line, Mrs Thipe’s loud cry could be heard beneath her gasps and pants; “man of God help me! My baby is in breech presentation, the doctors said I will not deliver normally; I will have to undergo operation.”

As Prophet Cedric ministered prayer to the heavily expectant lady; Bottoms up, head down! The baby turned in an instant! A sudden ease came upon Mrs Thipe; for the first time in 9 months she felt relieved; the tightness, the discomfort were no more! A day later she visited her doctor; how come? How did it happen? He said in shock. Then scan clearly showed that the fetus was well positioned and no operation was needed because with it in such a state, normal delivery was inevitable. Within a few days, Mrs Thipe gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Lame, with no operation and no complications.

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