“The world almost swallowed my academics and my life. I was blind and did not see where I was heading to, my dreams and character had been drained and ruined by my actions,” elucidated Oyedzere Lekgoko a young PPS diamond. Nobody lights a lamp and hides it underneath the table but puts it on top of the table for the whole household to see it, Oyedzere has shone the light by the grace of God through her academic performance.

Growing up as an average student, Oyedzere worked so hard for her to exceed her limit and as a result managed to get an A in her Primary School Leaving Examination. Even so, this success was short lived because at Junior school there was a sudden change in the way the young lady behaved and even performed academically. “The desire to fit in propelled me to change my behaviour; I started going out with people who were not at all devoted to their academics, I engaged in social media and dating. My dream to excel was dead, my character was completely soiled and as a result I did not perform to the best of my ability in my Junior Certificate Examination; as I got a B of 45 points,” she added.

“Getting to senior school the story of my life did not change, I did not give my books any time. Moreover, during the course of my studies, my father passed on and the tragedy brought upon me depression hence my grades dropped all the more; from over 30 points I went to 28 points and even less, but I thank God because before it could get worse I was introduced to the PPS initiative,” Oyedzere continued. Through the messages that Prophet Cedric delivered to the PPS students the young lady was encouraged to amend her ways. She diverted her attention from the grief she found herself in as well as all worldly pleasures and focused on her academics; obeying the instruction given in righteousness by the man of God.

With time her marks began to improve and by the time she sat for the Botswana General Certificate of Secondary Education examinations, she was well prepared. She continuously ministered the Living water by faith, believing God to perform a miracle in her life. Lo and behold when the results were published, for the first time ever she scooped a whopping 42 points.

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