When he started working as a teacher of Biology in 2004, Mr. Game Kanokang as a youngster, he was energetic and loved his job hence he always gave his best. However time passed on and 6 years later there was no promotion despite his hard work. This rendered him hopeless and all the zeal for teaching was buried, and even stopped applying for posts of responsibility. All he could ever think of was quitting his job. As a result of his stagnation he went to spiritualists to seek solution but no remedy was sought. Driven by disappointments and his life being like a ship without a sail, in 2013 he came to church and hope was instantly re-ignited. Since then, his life never remained the same.

As time went on, Mr. Kanokang volunteered as a PPS teacher and took part in the program. During one of the special PPS meetings with teachers, the man of God gave a prophetic declaration saying, “God has a promise for teachers, you shall be in the lime light from now”. He treasured these words and believed that indeed solution has come upon his life. Mr. Kanokang started applying for post even in private companies. In May 2015, he was called and offered a new job as a Biology/Chemistry teacher at Botswana Ash mining company. A glimpse of a smile could be noticed in Mr. Kanokang’s face when he exclaimed “this job has brought a tremendous transformation in my finances, I had been at C1 scale for many years but now my salary has doubled the previous one. Other benefits are a 3 bedroomed medium cost house, my children’s tuition would be paid for by my employer”. – just as the prophecy was declared. God did not only touch Mr. Kanokang’s finances but also his love life. Before coming to church he was in a relationship for 8 years, lived in cohabitation and never regarded marriage. Upon coming to the church he was encouraged by the teachings of the man of God on character and  he took a heart decision to re-build his life , and now the thoughts of getting married triggered in his heart. In October 2015, Mr. Kanokang finally got married to the mother of his child and they are a happy family.

Advising the congregation, Mr. Kanokang said, “Live in the realm of God’s Word, because every blessing is wrapped up in God’s Word”.

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