When she could no longer bear the ravaging oddities that had taken over her life, in spite of all the rituals she had undergone, Bojwang Montshiwa knew that her last bus stop had to be in a place where God dwells and so, she found the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries. Not so long after her debut in the church, a prophetic Word was given to her by Prophet Cedric and that stood as the epitome of the sword that uprooted the root cause of the misery surrounding her life.
“You have a spiritual husband that is causing you so much lust and now you have resorted to masturbation.” When the servant of God, Prophet Cedric laid his hand on the lady during prayer, it was as if a hot coal had landed upon her head. Shrieking and moving about uncontrollably, an evil spirit manifested and confessed, “I have given her the name Bojwang and her life is like exactly like that of grass. I have also destroyed her life through a pot in their home where I placed all of their names. I will not allow her to get married or progress in life; everything is a mess and this includes her children too.”
Confirming the prophecy to be true, she states that from the tender age of 15 years old, she has been held hostage by the spiritual husband. On several occasions she would dream of a spirit man who would manifest himself through the faces of different men and at most, she would wake up only do find herself with signs of a sexual encounter the previous night. This led to a severe spirit of lust which influenced her to have multiple relationships and eventually this developed a hideous spirit of masturbation that took over her younger years. All of these spirits led her to lose focus from her academics and eventually, she failed her Junior Certificate examinations. Unable to proceed through the normal schooling system, her parents were forced to sponsor her in a private institution but even then, the evil spirits continued to torment her and prematurely forced her out of school, just so she could lock herself up and feed the insatiable spirit of masturbation.
Due to this irrepressible spirit, she found herself giving birth to a child of whom she could not even pin point the father as she was promiscuous. Weird enough, her life followed the seasonal pattern of grass. During the summer season, she would be blossoming as she would prosper and advance in her career but during the winter season especially between the months of April to August, her life would be a total wreck and this was evidenced by two jobs that she lost consecutively. In order to break free from this standard, she left work and started a catering business yet the same ordeal still remained part of her life. These evil spirits also affected her children because in many instances, during the summer season, her child would perform exceptionally well and end up receiving prizes for excellent performance but unfortunately when the winter season approached, it would bring along the failures of the same child.
Searching even deeper, she recalls how her family was raised in an atmosphere that paid homage and reverence to the idols of ‘mazenge.’ She also vividly remembers a clay pot which had beads of different colors and was worship-fully guarded in her father’s hut. Nobody had an understanding of this pot but she recounts that it was there for her whole life. It was only after she came to 3G Ministries with her sister that the pot mysteriously disappeared and never found its way back home. Now drawing the church back to the day she received her deliverance, she adherently recalls the touch of Prophet Cedric; one that put a permanent end to the raid of evil spirits in her life. Today, she is no longer a victim of neither masturbation, lust nor the spiritual husband! She is finally free, all to God’s glory.

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