Bouts of dizziness, episodes of fatigue and patches of pale skin yet no alarms were set off in Malebogo’s life. Swiftly dismissing the rare symptoms as a sign of an impending dehydration, she drowned gallons of water on a daily basis but still, all the aforementioned continued to strive forward. It was only when she visited the Gospel of God’s Grace Church where she was met by prophetic Words that pointed straight to the underlying Low Blood Pressure. Totally unexpected on her end, she decided to visit the doctors in order to verify this and just like all things that cannot ignore the Truth that comes through the Spirit of God, the doctors as well confirmed the presence of this infirmity in her life.
Prophet Cedric did not only bring to Light the true state of her health but he brought with him a permanent solution and this came through a prayer that he offered for Malebogo Motlhale. Two weeks after receiving the powerful prayer, she returned to her doctor’s office and after screening tests were done, Low Blood Pressure was nowhere to be found in her anatomy. To her, this was indeed enough convincing proof of the existence of God’s Power in the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries. Today, she looks much healthier and feels much more alive as compared to her former days; this being the tangible traits of her testimony.

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