Having dwelt under the futility of self-effort; a great shadow of self-confidence and trust in himself had overwhelmed Mr Charles Modikwe to a point where he saw no importance of following God. He thought he was but a self-made man! He thought he could do it on his own but the evidence of such a confession was never palpable in his life. Citing examples of how poorly informed he was, he states that the resources he wanted in order to develop his projects would either be unavailable or altogether dwindle and fritter away but Mr Charles still refused to yield to his wife who kept on inviting him to come to 3G Ministries, where she had seen the full power of God working miracles, signs and wonders in the lives of many.

“I refused to yield to my husband’s many refusals’ to accompany me to church hence I would minister everything around the house with the Living water. My prayer was that he would come to church because I had absolute trust and faith that the introduction of Jesus Christ into his life would be the genesis of change in our home”- said Mrs Charles with a smile, as a sign of victory. Miraculously, her husband began to yield to the call of his wife and finally came to church. His arrival was nothing short of joy; he was amazed by the teachings and even regretted why he had not honored his wife’s invitation much earlier.

Through Prophet Cedric’s teachings, Mr Charles began to notice that the anger and grudges he harbored in his heart were the cause of his stagnation and limitation in life. Furthermore, he began to realize that his life in the absence of God was nothing but full of disappointments and failures. This led him to take a decision to forgive his offenders, cut short his ego trip and let Jesus take the wheel in his life. And that was the beginning of a new life! One that he now testifies about before thousands of people who were privileged to be in attendance of today’s Good Friday Service.

His multi residential building project that had come to a standstill for more than two years came back to life after his total surrender to Jesus. The couple alluded- “We did not know where the money was coming from, it was an overflow to a point where we hired professionals to care for our building project until completion.” And today just like Paul, they boast in the Lord concerning all their achievements including a complete multi res’ consisting of six units each, all of which are two bedroomed houses. As if that was not enough, through praying with the ‘BE CONCIOUS OF YOUR DREAM’ Living Sticker, Mr Charles developed the dream of buying himself a car. In vivid remembrance, he recounted that “I heard a voice telling me to receive my car while Prophet Cedric was demonstrating the power behind the Living Sticker.” Thereafter, nothing could deter nor defocus him because his dream was written in the plain tablet of his heart and so, breakthrough was sure. Having followed the common route of visiting a car dealership and going through negotiations, he finally managed to buy himself and his wife a Land Cruiser vehicle.

Thanking God for their overflowing breakthrough, Mr and Mrs Charles took the opportunity of the platform to inform Christians about the God they met in 3G Ministries, they said “God walks, talks and walks in this place. You only need faith in order to contact Him.”

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