For Mrs Tlhalerwa, being a mother was but a far-fetched dream. Since their marriage in 2006 she and her husband kept trying for a baby but their efforts bore no fruit. Having aimlessly sought all kinds of medical solutions for their problem but to no avail the couple were on the verge of throwing in the towel when they somewhat fell pregnant in 2012. Little did they know that the ray of hope that had unexpectedly beamed in their lives was yet to die out. Just three months into the pregnancy, Mrs Tlhalerwa had two miscarriages which left the couple in sheer devastation.

Battered, distraught and as lost with no direction as a ship without a sail the couple walked aimlessly in search of solution to their ordeal but to no avail. Seeing that this problem was the cause of her constant sleepless nights, Mrs Tlhalerwa gave up and accepted her fate; she gave in to the candid fact that she would be childless till her dying day. She diverted her attention from the issue and reverted to solving the other problems she had been facing. For many years she was suffering under the lash of a spirit man who she would have quixotic engagements with every night. Moreover snakes and different kinds of animals had made her dreams their concourse; constantly visiting and tormenting her.

As she moved around in search of solution, Mrs Tlhalerwa heard of the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries and immediately made the church her next call of post. After witnessing the conflagration of God’s power she never ceased coming to the church believing God to pull her out of her dry pit. In 2015, Mrs Tlhalerwa fell pregnant yet again but the expectation that had been rekindled in her heart was brought to shame by another miscarriage. Shortly after Mrs Tlhalerwa’s miscarriage, in September 2015, the man of God Prophet Cedric gave a prophecy;

“There is someone who recently miscarried and this is because of a certain contraceptive method they had used in the past,” he said.

Mrs Tlhalerwa immediately came forth to confirm the prophecy and shared that she had used the IUCD (loop) method in the past which had negatively affected her reproductive system. The man of God prayed for Mrs Tlhalerwa and gave her a divine instruction to allow herself to heal for 3 months and then try for a baby around April, and also told her that the baby would be a girl.

Mrs Tlhalerwa obeyed the Word of the man of God to the core and at God’s appointed time, she fell pregnant. For the first time ever she was able to carry the baby to full term and also overcome all odds till the very end. The doctors had informed her that she would deliver through caesarean section but Mrs Tlhalerwa could not hear of such. She began ministering the Living Water and even attended the 2016/17 Crossover Prayerline believing God for safe delivery. God, in His infinite mercies, hearkened to the voice of her prayer and made delivery smooth and safe- a feat that astounded everyone, including the doctors whose medical protocol had been defied by the supernatural order of Heaven. With Joy Mrs Tlhalerwa is before the congregation today holding her beautiful bundle of joy ‘Letlhogonolo.’

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