During a rigorous military training routine, Mr Roadwell Mbala was ill-fated as he sustained an injury that left him comatose; unable to do absolutely anything for himself and his family. His fractured fibula made him live in constant pain that left him disoriented. He lived through each passing day in pain and discomfort and offered no hope for solution. Upon tabling the frustrating matter with the doctors, he was informed that in six weeks he would be healed and back on his feet. Hence the doctors put a cast on his leg and consequently gave him a leg support and crutches to aid him in walking. Even with the best solution at hand, he was still in pain and unable to drive, go to work or even support his family with any chores. His was the canvas of a hopeless man!

Even if the doctors had informed him that it would take up to six weeks for him to get healed, he saw the said time passing yet he was still caught up in his debilitating state- limping, using crutches and a leg support. Such became a mystery for him so he sought the solution to his situation from somebody wiser, smarter and more powerful than he was. With such in mind, he made his way towards 3G Ministries. His visit timeously met the ministration of the Living Water in the church and with no scapegoat, the cause of misery was brought to book!

As healing was introduced to his ailing body, he began to walk properly and at once threw away the crutches. A miraculous moment to witness! To their surprise, his doctors found out that he was healed even though no physical surgical procedure was carried out on his fibula. On many cases, after six weeks of no progress, the doctors would have recommended that he be operated but such was not his portion. Jesus Christ had already completed the spiritual operation Himself! What a mighty God we serve; He who expresses Himself through any medium.

Today, Mr Roadwell is standing side by side with his wife as they share their wonderful healing. “Now my husband is healed; he can drive and do everything on his own. He is back on his feet and is now working. We bless God for this miracle!”-said Mrs Roadwell Mbala.

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