Mrs Ofilwe Mantswe had to watch helplessly as her toddler struggled to breathe through the nose.  Since she was 4 years old and now 18 years, Motheo suffered from a stuffy nose; every time she tried to sneeze instead of the mucus going out of her nose it would go back into her nostrils causing her to suffer a horrific infection. The consequent consultations with the doctors revealed that she was suffering from sinusitis, to remedy her condition Motheo was given a nebulizer machine which she had to use every time to relieve herself from blocked nostrils. As she started school this became uncomfortable and embarrassing as she had to often times excuse herself to go outside the classroom to put the the nebulizer on.

“Every time at school I would go out of class to use the nebulizer and this meant that I missed some lessons. As a result, my academic performance dropped drastically.” expounded the young lady.

In 2012, the Mantswe family got introduced to the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries where God met them at their point of need. Through constant prayers with the man of God and using the Living Water, Motheo realized that she no longer had sinusitis. The horrible condition that had haunted her for years was now history. She stopped using the nebulizer and it’s been 3 and half years now since she was healed.

Her healing brought a total overhauling in her academics. Gradually she started to improve and by the grace of God she was privileged to enroll for the PPS program when she was doing form 5. Before coming to 3G Ministries, social networks, dating was her daily bread. These apart from her sickness also affected her studies adversely.

Motheo was quick to point out that the messages that the man of God shared with students during the PPS meetings increased her eagerness to excel. So, in obedience to the advice of the man of God, she divorced social networks, friends and married her books. Her hard work and efforts bored fruits.  She did exceptionally well in her IGCSE final examinations. From her limit of 41 points she had scored 45 points all to the glory of God with improvements in a number of subjects. This is nothing but the wondrous works of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Concluding their testimony Motheo’s mother thanked God for her multi roomed mansion that is fully furnished and en suites, hosting a double garage and a swimming pool. “I started building my house in 2004 but along the way I left it incomplete. I have always wanted to finish it but I just couldn’t. I would take the loan so as to complete it but they would always be some causalities that prevented it from finishing. But glory to God I managed to finish my house in less than 2 years of setting my foot in 3G Ministries”, said Mrs Mantswe joyfully.

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