One morning in 2015, Thatayaone woke up to a small pimple like growth that had suddenly appeared right next to his ear. He had ignored it as he did any other zit believing that it would wane away in no time but what happened next was all in all the exact antithesis of his prospect; the small pimple began to increase in size and turned into a boil. On visiting the medics, pre-surgical procedures were performed to remove the secretion that was forming up in it, eventually causing it to reduce in size. A year later in 2016, the problem reared its ugly head once again, this time in an even worse way. The doctors informed Thatayaone that a tissue was developing on the spot where the pimple was and he had to go for surgery in July 2017.

As if his debilitating health condition was not a load on its own, Thatayaone had also been captive under the mastership of masturbation for 7 years. This was an issue he had kept safe in his ‘Top secret file’, only hoping to stumble on a way out at some point. Each time he would make an attempt to quit, a spirit woman would visit him and use him in the dream thus prompting him to satisfy himself the next morning. After masturbating he would go on Facebook to search for nudes and only then would he be fully satisfied. Moreover, he had to contend with alcohol addiction for many years. It was norm for him to sleep with a bottle of beer right next to his pillow side, taking a sip each time he feels stressed out.

Having seen his tattered life, Thatayaone’s sister kept inviting him to the church but he could not hear of it. It was only in January 2017, that he reckoned that a visit to 3G Ministries would be a fresh start for him, following a disappointment in his love life. With the circumstances at hand, he had no choice but to heed the perennial advice of his sister to visit the church. One Sunday, when the man of God declared that every mountain in the lives of God’s people would be leveled, Thatayaone experienced a complete turnaround in his life. He bid farewell to his old habits; he did away with the alcohol, deleted his social media accounts and never masturbated since then. He then resolved to start adding value to his life through watching inspirational messages of the man of God thus improving his faith. As he kept coming to the church, on the 7th of April he also had an encounter with the man of God who addressed the issue of the growth next to his ear. He pointed out that if not delivered, the growth would become cancerous and that there were already some traits of cancer in his anal area thus causing itch on his back side. After ministering prayer to him, the man of God told him to go to the doctor and come back after 2 weeks so as to share his glorious testimony.

In confirming the prophecy, Thatayaone notes that he used to experience itching in his anal area so much that he could not stay in the midst of people for long. He did not know what position to take in order to make it subside so he would have to lie down in the privacy of his bedroom so as to easily attend to it. However after the prayer all this, is in the past. Moreover the doctors have confirmed that the growth next to his ear has disappeared and the sore he had on the outside has dried up just as the man of God had said.

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