Mrs Dube had been suffering from constipation for over three years. She would struggle to ease herself and due to the pain she experienced she would avoid visiting the loo for weeks. Unaware of the root cause of this incapacity, she tried taking foods rich in fibre to try and loosen her bowels but to no avail. Moreover she had to contend with eye sight problems, which was also common among her people. On her account, she would experience sharp pains on her left eye of which she had hoped would fade away but did not.

Fortunately she was introduced to the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries and she kept coming to the church, she received a word of prophecy on February 12th 2017 in which the Man of God told her that she has a problem of constipation which is a curse and that she has an issue of sight. Under the resplendent power of the Holy Ghost she was prayed for and this touch became the remedy for all her maladies. After the prophecy she also continued to minister the Living Water believing in the finished works of Jesus Christ. Mrs Dube is now healed from constipation; she is able to go to the loo freely, there is no pain and also the eye plight is gone.

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