Lopang Mulonga came to the 2016/2017 crossover in a feeble state due to a rare case of diarrhoea which tormented him for four long years. What began as a simple case of flu in 2013 turned out to become the prelude to a dreadful and sickly future filled with so many pro-longed hospital stays with quite the buffet of medical capsules. All these robbed the young man of a youthful lifestyle to an extent that he was prematurely forced out of school.

His entire digestive system was shut down and his frail frame for a body could no longer absorb any nutrients. Doctors performed all the necessary tests to try and deduce the nature of the boy’s infirmity but all proved negative. As he took his daily varied platter of tablets, he would excrete each in its native form- completely undigested! The same went for the bit of food he would try to nibble on for energy; it would be eliminated in its solid form. As a result, his body dropped almost all of his weight and what was left were the imprints of his skeletal structure, a sure sign of death knocking at the little boy’s door!

“There is no place we did not go to in search of solution, we spent all the resources, more than P10 00 and we almost sold all our cattle in order to pay traditional healers. We became poor but Lopang’s health did not improve but instead it continued to deteriorate. Said Lopang’s mother when explaining the severity of her son’s case.  She went to expound that her son was prematurely forced out of a healthy school lifestyle by his ailments.

With all hope lost, Lopang’s family brought him to the 2016/2017 Cross over service where he encountered a touch that re-wrote his entire medical history. He came to the National Stadium bed- ridden and lying on a skattle mat and as the Prophet touched him his body was energized and he walked to the amusement of thousands in attendance. An appetite that was long forgotten four years back rushed back as life was restored into his body and even then, the young man ate a full colourful plate of nutritious food and gulped down a bottle of water.

Today Lopang came again before the church to zealously proclaim his testimony once more to the masses. Full of energy and courage “I AM PERFECTLY HEALED!” were his words of gratitude and he narrated that ever since he was prayed for; 5 months back, he has been eating food and drinking water freely without any hurdle. The young lad could not hold back tears of joy as he testified that Prophet Cedric and 3G Ministries have been taking care of all his daily needs; food and transport. As the man of God advised that he should go back to school, Lopang confirms that he is back in school and doing form 3. By the special grace of God he is performing exceptionally well. His mother chipped in to say that Lopang’s teachers were also astonished by his performance as he has outwitted other students who had been attending school regularly, all to the glory of God.

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