Why does your skin normally get dry? This is low blood. Both of your eyes cannot see but the left one is worse; it is dead,” said Prophet Cedric as he gave Ms Nini Dikgomo a prophetic word that ushered her to a new found healing.

In 1998, Nini Dikgomo was diagnosed with an eye sight problem that rendered her useless; she had eyes but could not see! As a teacher, she was unable to see the blackboard; she could not even read her own handwriting and as such she had become a mockery in the eyes of many people especially her students. When she was dead beat of her situation, she resorted to spectacles which became her most prized possessions; she depended on them such that without them she would plunge into pitfalls and bump on everything on her way; she was literally blind!

As time passed, she began to realize fatal signs of low blood. On most occasions, she would have dry skin and when she visited the doctors they confirmed her illness. After receiving the prophecy, her health has been totally restored; she can see without the use of spectacles and low blood can no longer be detected in her body. Having gone to the doctors thrice so as to test for low blood, all three results proved that the touch of God has displaced low blood from her system.

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