Mystified by the agonizing pain and blood gushing out of her body, she cried out; “Is this a light show? What are these people doing here? Somebody please help me!” These were the last words she said before arriving in the hospital. Will she survive?

Just before embarking on the long trip to her home town in Sebina, Mrs. Mbaiwa felt an uneasiness within her and even went to the extent of throwing up. At this, she called on her husband to minister her, which he did. Thereafter, she decided to sleep and was unaware of what was to happen next. Woken by pain and anguish, she then realized that they had been involved in an accident. Coming back to reality, she huffed up all her strength and got out of the damaged vehicle. A moment later, the automobile went up in flames and her husband was burnt to ashes, together with the other driver whom they collided with, head on.

Waking up in the hospital, the doctors explained to her that her pelvic bone, wrist joint and her right ankle were all fractured. Not only that, she also had to go under the knife because a suspicion arose of her uterus having suffered visceral rupture. Torture is an understatement of what she went through whenever she tried sleeping on her side, walking or even sitting. Though with the many ailments en massing her, she fought the good fight and held on to her life. God-sent, her aunt bolted to the hospital with the Living Water and administered it to her with faith. Vibrating under the influence of the Holy Spirit she felt a cold sensation coming upon her, a validation that life had entered her being.

Despite the numerous injuries, the Living Water became a companion during her trying time. Coming to God’s House was like Home-coming. During one of the mass prayers, the voice of God spoke directly to her broken and crackling bones and they speedily started coming together. Located by God, through His servant Prophet Cedric she received an anointed touch that sent all the ailments in her body packing. Upon that mighty encounter. She could sit and execute all movements without any assistance.

Breakthrough Sunday was the day for her. The favor of God had located her once more and she received her deliverance from the spiritual husband and anger that had also tormented her for many years. It all began when two grown men molested her ruthlessly, this later gave rise to lust and masturbation. It took one touch and the cumbersome burden, she had been carrying was laid off. God has not only restored her health but her peace as well; despite losing her husband, she forges on with God as her source of strength.

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