One fateful day in August 2016, Mr Victor Motswagae witnessed the strangest of ordeals. Stuck in the loo for quite some time, he did not know what to do anymore, he just couldn’t ease himself! This experience did shock him but at first he took it lightly, attributing it to his bad eating regime and limited water intake. As such he resolved to taking more water and ate food with lots of roughage hoping for solution, but the problem persisted. Seeing this he made efforts to try and find solution online; he went into every search engine but everything that popped up did not help.

As time passed by, the condition worsened, he began to feel a sharp pain in his stomach and also had to contend with indigestion. This coupled with the bathroom struggle was a burden too cumbersome to carry. Victor later decided that the only solution to his problem was to keep away from the loo altogether. He would spend two or even three days without visiting the loo just to avoid the pain. Life had become hell for him! Having coming to his wit’s end, God came to his rescue through a prophetic word during the previous 3G Ministries Sunday Service.

“This is constipation. I see you having piles. You struggle, when you try to ease yourself and this has caused your anal area to be strained. This evening and in the morning, the poisonous substance will come out and it will have an itchy sensation,” said Prophet Cedric.

Just as the Prophet had declared, the poison was dispelled and Victor was set free. He no longer experiences the constipation, he can now freely visit the loo and ease himself with no struggle at all.

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