Tatenda Trevor Goto a Zimbabwean national, residing in Botswana is one of the beneficiaries of the program Prophet Parents Students (PPS) who came to glorify God for touching and re-writing the history of his academic life. From a very tender age when he was doing his form one (1) Tatenda indicated that he was a brilliant student who excelled in his academics, he was always outstanding in his class and would only attain grade A’s. When he progressed to form three (3) he started associating with bad company who influenced him to indulge in pleasures of the world thus neglecting his studies. He got engaged in social networks and spent most of his time chatting and interacting with friends. Consequently his performance dropped drastically from an A to a B and eventually a C.
In the year 2015 he was privileged to enroll for the PPS initiative, where oftentimes they will meet with the man of God Prophet Cedric, who would admonish them to divorce bad habits and focus on their studies. Tatenda received the instruction and acted in accordance with it. Just as the man of God always says that, “An instruction given in righteousness never fails”, it yielded results in Tatenda’s academics, he started to see a gradual change. When he was at the verge of writing his final examination, they wrote a mock examination, where his faith was tested. In that examination he did not perform to the best of his ability, he got B’s and C’s. Amidst that challenge, as a man of faith he remembered the words he once heard from the man of God which says, “Sometimes before you see the fullness of God you must have seen the fullness of Satan”. He was encouraged knowing that, Christianity does not eliminate challenges, he kept his dream alive,’ therefore he was determined to study hard for his final examination, believing God to see him through. Whenever he was to write his examination, he would minister the Living Water asking God to guide and bring into remembrance what he studied. When the private schools form five results were released,he emerged victorious as he obtained 48 points which is the maximum number of points, with Three (3) A*, 4 A’s and a B.
Tatenda concluded by saying, ”Keep your dream alive, no matter the challenges you encounter!”