
Ms. Oreeditse Mogobye started coming to the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries in March 2013 where she experienced and saw the power of God changing and transforming the lives of many.

Oreeditse-02Ever since primary school she was a promising and studious student but throughout her journey she never received any prize at all. She was even struggling with language subjects (English and Setswana). Ms. Oreeditse explains that when she thought she had performed her level best she would obtain a maximum of grade- B in both Setswana and English. During her JCE, history repeated itself as she obtained the same results. At this point she had lost hope that she would ever pass these subjects. While her journey continued to senior secondary school, she adds that through the teachings of the man of God that were ministered to the PPS students such as marry your books brought a radical transformation in her academics. During the mid-year exam she managed to scoop 4 prizes and emerged as the best overall student form 4.

Oreeditse-00Despite the good performance displayed, she could not break even in English and Setswana subjects. In 2015, she  enrolled into the PPS programme where she had the privilege to receive motivating messages from Prophet Cedric such as ‘UP YOUR SPIRIT’ which encouraged them to change their attitudes towards their academics. She acted upon what the man of God said and started asking for help from her language teachers and participated in class, thus hope was rebuilt. Being a PPS student gave her a chance to experience the grace of God upon her life as she continued to scoop multiple prizes and emerged the best overall student.

When the season to sit for the exams arrived she kept believing God and prayed with the Living Water and maintained a good confession of faith about her results. At the end she got 6 A*’s, 2 A’s and 2 B’s giving an overall of 48 points. Showing a tremendous improvement in Setswana from a B to an A* and English from a B to an A, all for the glory of God. As if that was not enough she is the best student in Setswana and overall best in her school and now she is amongst the top 10 achievers BGCSE 2015 country wide. To crown her glorious achievement, on the 8th of July 2016 Ms. Oreeditse attended the Botswana Examinations Annual Excellence Award ceremony and was one of those privileged to recieve an excellence award.

While giving a word of encouragement she advised students to up their spirits, change their attitudes towards their academics and moreover to be conscious of their dream.

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