
For many years Mrs. Nancy Pule had the problem of ceased menstruation; she would experience pain and feel a certain movement in her abdomen. She sought medical assistance but the doctors could not fathom the cause of her condition. Some had suggested that she had hormonal imbalance and others had said that her condition might be polycystic ovarian syndrome. After numerous medical tests and examinations she was prescribed with different types of medication to try and solve her problem but all to no avail.

Through all this Mrs. Pule got to realise that she would be unable to conceive as a result of her condition, therefore she took quite some time to get into marriage. She got married at the age of 32, in 2012, even so she was unable to tell her husband about her condition. They kept trying for a child  for almost two years but all their attempts bore no fruit. Mrs. Pule went for further medical examinations and the doctors told her that her ovaries were not being released to her uterus hence fertilisation could not take place. Naturally she could not get pregnant but it could only happen medically. Having lost all hope, she succumbed to accepting help from the doctors and managed to get pregnant twice but she was not able to carry any of the pregnancies to the full term. Throughout this trying period, Mrs. Pule went to many different places for help; she visited various spiritualists but all her efforts proved abortive. It was her last miscarriage in 2013 which made her to realise that she needed someone smarter, wiser and more dependable than man to solve her situation; Jesus Christ.

In 2014 she made her way to the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries after being invited by her aunt who had also seen her struggle. Immediately she arrived in the church, Jesus Christ, the light to all mankind met Mrs. Pule at her point of need. As time went by, she then had the privilege to be arranged for the prayer line where she received prayer from the man of God and the course of her life was re-written; her menstruation was restored the very same month. In April 2014, God proved that her prayers for many years were not lost; she conceived and was able to carry the pregnancy to the full term, up until she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl “Omphile” in January 2015. Glory be to God who has tossed barrenness into the dustbin of history.

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