Indeed nothing is impossible with God and for those who believe in Him miracles, signs and wonders are as sure as the rising of the sun! Mrs. Rantolo who hails from Molepolole is one of those who have faced seemingly impossible situations and overcame through Christ. After visiting the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries she was encouraged by the testimonies and the teachings from the servant of God, Prophet Cedric.

Mrs. Rantolo expounded that in the past she delivered her first two kids with complications and was in excruciating labour pains for three (3) days. Prior to giving birth to her second child, she had been visiting the hospital for her normal ante-natal procedures and nurses informed her that her baby was not aligned with the cervix and might have complications during birth, which might lead to her giving birth through cesarean section. When the time came for her to give birth just as the nurses had articulated, doctors informed her that her cervix was not dialating as expected and advised that operation was the only solution. In hopelessness and seeing that she had been struggling, she gave in and delivered her baby through operation.

In 2015, Mrs. Rantolo conceived again and during her visits to the hospital, as usual she was informed that her baby was not aligned with the cervix and the only possible solution was to give birth through operation as it happened with her past two deliveries.
‘’Upon hearing this, I did not despair, because I was now in the presence of God. The history of having complications during birth will not be re-written in my life,’’  said Mrs. Rantolo. She continued coming to the church and believed that God will see her through. On the 6th of September 2015, a few weeks before she was due for delivery, Mrs. Rantolo was privileged to attend the prayerline service and just as the servant of God laid a hand on her, to her astonishment, she felt the baby moving in her uterus. This gave her assurance that the baby was being well positioned for her to deliver safely. She later saw the servant of God in her dream in which he told her that she will have labour pains on the 9th of September, and will deliver her baby on the 10th. Indeed she had labour pains on the 9th and delivered a healthy bouncing baby boy on the 10th, naturally, without any operation.

In sharing her words of advice Mrs. Rantolo joyously advised people to have faith in God and He will surely see them through in any challenge they may be facing.

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