
“After just six weeks of marriage the couple called it quits; they separated in mid-June, the same year……”

Everything was perfectly well when the couple was still dating. There seemed to be hope for a brighter future together and they decided to take their relationship to another level. They went for pre-marital counselling and got married in April 2010. Their union was not founded in God. Consequently, what they had hoped for became a living hell in just a matter of days.

“Our marriage lasted only for six weeks,” said Mrs. Kgetsi as she narrated what transpired between them.  There was no affection in the marriage, Mr. Kgetsi was rarely home and deprived his wife of attention. Whenever she enquired of his misconduct, quarrels and squabbles, all sorts of mean behaviour would fill the Kgetsi household. After just six weeks of marriage the couple called it quits in mid-June the same year. Life being too deep to be judged with shallow eyes one would have never thought that the cause of this havoc in their home was the habit of masturbation.

As any ordinary couple would do, they sought help from relatives and even went for marital counselling but the same situation continued to rear its ugly head in their marriage. Even through the period of attempting to reconcile, this couple was always at loggerheads and this eventually led to their final divorce in 2012. They stopped communication for some time but since they had a child together they were bound to be in contact. Two years down the line in 2014, Mr. Kgetsi decided to call his ex-wife, at that moment he had expected her to be angry with him but to his uttermost surprise she was a completely different person; she had given her life to Christ and had aligned her character to God’s word. Upon communicating they realised how much they loved one another and that their divorce was a mistake. A burning desire to reconcile was stirred up within them and they told their parents of their intentions but this wasn’t an easy thing.

Things didn’t turn out as smoothly as they expected and it was in the midst of this that they came to the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries in July 2015. “I was very downcast and hopeless but the message of the man of God titled “Jesus has the final say” uplifted my faith. He said we should not listen to the suggestion of our situation because it is not over until we win and I took this message to heart”- said the joyful Mrs. Kgetsi.

In one of the services Mrs. Kgetsi received words of prophecy from the man of God, where the Prophet pointed out that he is seeing a disappointment in her life; and that if it was not resolved spiritually another disappointment was sure to follow. What the man of God pointed out was the divorce she went through and that if she is not delivered their attempt to reconcile would not be permanent. The servant of God then prayed for the couple and assured them not to worry as their case was now in God’s control. As God never speaks in vain, on the 17th December 2015, they got in a holy matrimony and are now enjoying a blessed marriage. As if that was not enough, Mrs. Kgetsi who has been working as an assistant system analyst has been given a permanent employment as a technician with better and outstanding remunerations.

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