Post-Image_1140x600-3 Late 2014 was a dreadful year for Mr. Ditlhabi as he was diagnosed with pleural effusion and one of the lungs was tightly squeezed between the ribs. Mr. Ditlhabi was immediately put on treatment in order to alleviate the condition but in no time, the situation had recessed further into his already frail health. The doctors suggested draining the liquid from his lungs but because his body was scrawny and gaunt, the suggestion never saw the light of day. Whilst waiting on a solution to his imperative condition, he regressed to a state where he could no longer seat unsupported and for a period of three months, he was confined to sleeping on a chair and this was because he would suffocate whilst lying flat on the bed. Moreover his ailing body had left him no choice but to take a break from work hence he struggled to put food on the table. Mr. Ditlhabi got to know about 3G Ministries in December through the television broadcast advertising the 3G Ministries 2014/2015 crossover candle light service to be held at the National Stadium. After witnessing the move of God in the Crossover Service, he testified that he also felt a sudden change in his body; he felt energetic and rejuvenated.

That is when he decided to visit the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries and he was privileged to be prayed for by the man of God on the prayer line. ‘The moment the Prophet touched me, I felt a certain power or kind of energy entering me and I was resuscitated, only a touch was enough to restore my health’. A week after meeting God he went to his doctor to verify his healing. Mr. Ditlhabi narrates that his status even shocked the doctors as it has advanced at a rate they least expected. The lung was completely healed and the idea of draining water from his lungs was dropped. In present day, he can sleep properly without experiencing suffocation. Indeed everything is possible for him who believes.

As if that was not enough, Mr. Ditlhabi received a prophecy some time after his healing. ‘ Where is your father? he had a problem with his leg and now you have the same problem. You also have a problem with your bladder.’ -Prophet Cedric.Though his father died whilst Mr. Ditlhabi was young, he fully remembered that his father used to have complications with one of his legs of which he was also experiencing. He even cited that he often visited the restroom countless times in a short period of time. When he grew concerned he went to seek medical attention but the doctors could only base their diagnosis on common sense to say ‘it is because of old age’. It could only take a higher power, someone more smarter and poweful to rescue him from his ordeal, that is Jesus Christ.He is now free, there are no more pains and he sleeps well.

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