Prioritise God

Many Christians today desire to be successful; they fast and pray more but get nothing in return. This is because they have set themselves ahead of God’s Kingdom; they desire blessing for their honour and not for God’s honour. It is God’s desire to release His blessing upon His people but first they need to stop being self-centric; Instead of praying, fasting and thinking more about yourself you need to do so for the kingdom of God.

Take an example of the barren Hannah in 1 Samuel 1 who for so many years became the laughing stock of Peninnah, who bore ten children. Year after year Hannah would plead with God for a child so that her rival may stop provoking her but during those years her womb remained shut. It was up until she forgot about her present circumstances and made a vow, saying, “Lord Almighty, if you will only look on your servant’s misery and remember me, and not forget your servant but give her a son, then I will give him to the Lord for all the days of his life.” [1 Samuel 1:11]. When Hannah remembered God, God also remembered her and blessed her with a child she had been longing for.  Similarly God is awaiting a time when Christians will remember Him; when they will use every blessing they receive to honour Him and advance His kingdom. When you prioritise God He will honour you and make you His priority as He says in 1 Samuel 2:30 “Those who honour me I will honour.”

Like Hannah many Christians find themselves limited; they fail to receive because of their wrong motives behind prayer and even if they receive the blessing they do not use it to serve God; they forget and abandon Him. However as a Christian God expects you to serve Him with whatever you receive from Him. If He gives you good health, strength or any other blessing then you need to use it to serve Him as failure to do so shall leave you forever indebted to Him. 

Take the story of the centurion in Luke 7 who prioritised God by building the synagogue for God’s glory and not for his own. Whatever he offered to God had no strings attached that is he did not build the synagogue in order for him to be famous and recognised in the church but for the very purpose God wanted the church to exist. That is why when he was in need God made him a priority, as a result of what he had done for Him. When his servant fell sick, Jesus was willing to put everything on hold and go to His house. Likewise if we desire for Christ to step into the scene when we are in need then we ought to set Him forth and make Him our priority.

This is your time as a Christian to make God special in your life so that you may be special in His sight. Seek first and advance the kingdom of God and all shall be added unto you.

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