Ms. Mogogi Kojane resigned in 2010 as a Deputy Director in the department of Youth Council. She took this decision with a hope of engaging in Agricultural business, little did she know that she was yet to encounter the shock of her life. She injected a lot of money into ploughing but nothing came out of her field hence she made a loss year in and year out. Due to this Ms. Kojane lost a lot of money and this rendered her finances useless. As years went by, reality began to drown in her as her retirement package was sinking low. She began to apply for employment but all her efforts proved futile. She became hopeless, lost focus and could not even sleep a wink. Frustration was fast creeping in her life as there seemed to be no escape from her predicament.

Desperate and perturbed by her unendurable situation she made her way to the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries in 2012. Her faith was lifted up by the spirit filled messages of the man of God and she stayed with hope that at God’s time things would work her way. Beginning of 2016 she saw an advertisement on the local newspaper for a post and she applied for it. Later she was called for an interview which she was successful. She explained that before the interview she prayed with Living Water in faith confessing and claiming her job in Jesus’ name. Few days later she received a call that was to change the history of her life. She is now employed as Poverty Eradication Coordinator with a very lucrative salary of over P22 000. God has also blessed her with a farm which has a borehole in it. Indeed Jesus Christ is the greatest blesser the world has ever known! Now Ms. Kojane can sleep well at night, she is now able to take care of her needs and that of her family all for the glory of God!

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