Prophet Cedric Ministries Watermark

As young as he was, ten year old Mphiwa Mantswe battled epileptic attacks from the time he was only six years old. This condition restricted him from feeling any extreme emotions; anything from happiness to anger could trigger these attacks. As a child, this affected him because he lived in constant fear of collapsing while playing or interacting with other children. For four years, Ms. Onalenna Mantswe had to live every mother’s worst nightmare; watching hopelessly as her son battled with a seemingly incurable condition.

A regular congregant of the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries, Ms. Onalenna remained hopeful that God was able to heal her son. Although she knew her son was suffering, she was bearing in mind that the uncommon challenge would attract an uncommon victory for her son. Not One to disappoint those who believe in Him, God saw her through and the healing of Mphiwa finally came during the one on one service in October 2016. As Prophet Cedric prayed for the young lad, his distorting facial expressions were evidently the last kicks of a dying horse; the departure of the spirit behind the epileptic attacks. Since that prayer, it’s been a month now and Mphiwa is as fit as a fiddle! Temperamental as children can be, whether he gets frustrated or excited, it does not affect him as they did before. He can now play freely with other children to the glory of God.

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+267 75 692 077
+267 75 692 088

+267 77 623 330

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From 6:00pm

From 6:00am

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