Ms Dineo Brenyewu had been unemployed since 2013 and all her efforts to land a job had proved futile. Whenever job opportunities arose, she would often experience weird dreams where she saw herself surrounded by snakes with no way to escape. Surprisingly this happened mostly a day prior to her going for a job interview. After having such dreams, she would go job hunting and to her dismay, the managers would dismiss her even before hearing anything she had to say. This left Dineo in disappointment and sheer distress as she could not take sufficient care of her child thus depended on her mother for their daily needs.

Having gone to many different places to seek solution; Dineo was at the brink of giving up. However, when she heard that Prophet Cedric would be coming to her home town in March 2015 she seized the opportunity and attended the Francistown for Christ Crusade with Prophet Cedric. Since her encounter with Christ through His servant her life has never been the same. As the man of God ministered at the Crusade he made powerful prophetic declarations that hit the core of Dineo’s heart, leading to her ultimate freedom.
“This is the time for you to possess your possessions…right now possess your job and everything that belongs to you…” declared the man of God. It was in that highly charged atmosphere that Dineo I took these words to heart, believing God for a miracle in her life”

Lo and behold! Just a week after the crusade, Dineo heard of a certain company that was hiring and immediately, she approached the management where she was then privileged to go through for an interview. For the first time in a long time, she was successful and managed to the land the Job. Initially the interview was for the post of sales person but upon appointment Dineo was given the post of debtors’ clerk with a salary of over P2000. Taken aback by how the God of Prophet Cedric had miraculously changed her life in a matter of days, Dineo knew that she needed to visit the church thus made 3G Ministries her next call of post.

Dineo visited the church in February 2016 with the conviction that once she steps into the arena of grace many more blessings would unfold in her life. During the visitor’s one on one with Prophet Cedric, the man of God gave her an instruction and said, “Trust in the Lord, know that I will mention your name in my prayers.” These words gave Dineo assurance that God has set her aside for His special attention hence she kept firm in faith, recognizing that God’s word never returns to Him void.

In April 2016, Dineo was promoted from a Debtor’s Clerk to a Stock Clerk and four months after her promotion, her salary was increased again and she is now earning over P2900 per month. As if that was not enough, the Lord blessed her with a driver’s license which she had been struggling to get for eight years. Moreover, she was able to buy herself car.

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