
“What are the doctors saying about this thing in your uterus?”, these were the words of prophecy that Ms. Itumeleng Mafoko from Maunatlala received from Prophet Cedric on the 14th of August 2016.

Confirming the prophecy, Ms Mafoko explains that growing up, she experienced irregular menstrual cycles that were accompanied by severe abdominal pains. However, she explains that she never attributed it to ill-health but rather as part of growing up. To her astonishment, the pains continued into her adulthood.  As a teacher, this affected her a lot as the pain deterred her from performing her daily duties.  She could not stand up for long or do any hectic work resulting to her frequent requests for day off. When the pain continued, she sought medical attention and it was then that she was diagnosed with Ovarian hypertrophy (enlargement of the ovary). However, one thing baffled the doctors; none of the conditions that cause this ailment were present in her body! According to the doctors, the cause of the enlargement of the ovaries is often cyst formation. Other causes include endometriosis, benign tumors and fibroids, all of which she did not have.  Mystified by her condition, they prescribed painkillers as a means of solution to her condition.

Still, the pain persisted; the painkillers only provided temporary solution. Later on, the doctors suggested surgical operation. Seeing as to how uncommon her situation was, she realized that the end of her doctors’ capability was the beginning of a miracle in God. “As a child of faith, I believed that my uncommon challenge qualified me for an uncommon victory in God.” she says. Indeed, in August she was privileged to receive a word of prophecy and was prayed for in Jesus Christ name. Since then, the pain has vanished and she is now free; she can jump, bend and stand for a long time without any problem. The consequent scan from her doctor also confirms that she is indeed healed; her ovary is back to normal size all to the glory of God! Pressing her lower abdomen to demonstrate to the congregation of her healing, a jubilant Ms. Mafoko gave glory to God for liberating her.

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