For more than 12 years, Batshegi Boileng lived in a rented house. Though working and getting an attractive salary, she did not think of building a house for herself or doing anything tentative. Instead her hard earned cash was carelessly spent on expensive clothes. Batshegi’s life had no direction, she lived life to the ‘fullest’ enjoying every moment of it yet forgetting one thing – the fact that she was living in a rented house!

In 2012, she made an attempt to build a house in Gootau, however pleasure had a tight grip on her life as she was still focused on spending her money on expensive brands. As a result, her intentions of building a house were always compromised; she went as far as building to window level only to later abandon the structure for many years. She continued with her life as usual, worked, got paid and went on shopping sprees and this continued until a friend invited her to 3G Ministries. She was met by life transforming messages by the man of God, Prophet Cedric and she recited one that she recalls vividly, “When the battle is unknown, the solution is temporary.” This message applied to her life because for years, Batshegi never realized that life in its nature, is a battle field hence she took everything for granted. Since then, she began looking at life in the light of God’s Word.

During one of the Sunday services, Prophet Cedric declared that he sees light entering the lives of many people who had been living in darkness. In full agreement with these powerful declarations, Batshegi later had a dream where she saw herself following a bright star. From that day onwards, her dream to build her own house was reborn and re- energized. She started running through advertisements looking for a house to buy. In no time, she managed to purchase a two and half house which she later extended to a 5 bedroomed house, with 2 kitchens and 2 living rooms- turning it into a complete mansion. She also completed the house that she had long started building in Gootau.

As if that was not enough, for the past 5 years, she had been applying for a transfer but all her efforts were bearing no fruit. It was only after attending one of the July 2017 3G Ministries Sunday services that she was given a letter of transfer from Molepolole to Gaborone.

While giving her word of encouragement, she advised the church to pursue the Holy Spirit because life without the Holy Spirit is like a puzzle without the master piece.

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