In 2012 Mrs Seemise from Sikwane attended the Gospel of God’s Grace Ministries Wednesday service. Though it was her first time to attend a prophetic ministry, peace filled her heart and when the Prophet Cedric declared that God was releasing them from unemployment, the young lady believed and received her miracle by faith. Indeed, the following day, she was called for a job interview – a job she had not applied for! Standing on the faith that this was her designated job from Above, she prayed and asked God to go before her. Lo and behold! A week later she was informed that she had been granted the post of Business and Productivity Officer in one of the big telecommunications company in Botswana.

Inevitably, she accepted the post and worked for the company for almost five years. However, as years went by, she and her husband’s finances took a financial hit and her salary was no longer sufficient to uphold their expenses. However, she continued working tirelessly but without a significant salary increment, frustration found its way into her life and she no longer had the zeal to work hard. Nevertheless, she maintained her faith in God, continued coming to the church and believed God for a miracle.

In 2017, on the Sunday of Breakthrough, the servant of God Prophet Cedric gave a prophetic declaration and stated that he sees people receiving jobs. Mrs Seemise received this prophetic declaration and knew that God would see her family through. The following week, she received a call in which she was invited for an interview. She prayed to God and asked Him to speak for her, ministered the Living Water and went for the interview. A week later she was informed that she has been granted the job for the glory of God! With that, her financial crisis was wiped as the new salary was more than a double portion of her previous salary. She is now working as an Accountant in one of the companies in Botswana. Indeed, amidst her hopeless financial crisis, hope was found in Christ Jesus!

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